{ "FOOTER": { "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKETS_DISCLOSURES": "CIBC Capital Markets Disclosures", "CIBC_WORLD_MARKETS_INC": "CIBC World Markets Inc. is a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund", "CIBC_WORLD_MARKET_CORP": "CIBC World Markets Corp. (U.S. Broker Dealer) Disclosures", "OWNERSHIP_INTEREST_IN_TMX_GROUP": "Ownership Interest in TMX Group", "TRADE_MATCHING_STATEMENT": "CIBC World Markets Inc. Trade Matching Statement", "THE_US_FOREIGN_ACCOUNT_TAX": "The U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)", "DODD_FRANK_DISCLOSURE": "Dodd Frank Disclosures", "DODD_FRANK_COMPLAINTS_MAILBOX": "Dodd Frank Complaints Mailbox", "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKETS_BEST_EXECUTION_POLICY": "CIBC Capital Markets Best Execution Policy (Canada)", "EUROPEAN_REGULATORY_DISCLOSURES": "European Regulatory Disclosures", "CIBC_WEBSITES": "CIBC Websites", "IMPERIAL_SERVICE": "Imperial Service", "IMPERIAL_INVESTOR_SERVICE": "Imperial Investor Service", "INVESTORS_EDGE": "Investor's Edge", "WOOD_GUNDY": "Wood Gundy", "PRIVATE_WEALTH_MANAGEMENT": "Private Wealth Management", "CIBC_US": "CIBC U.S.", "CIBC_REWARDS": "CIBC Rewards", "NEWCOMERS_TO_CANADA": "Newcomers to Canada", "BANKING_FOR_INTERNATIONAL_STUDENTS": "Banking for International Students", "CIBC_GLOBAL_MONEY_TRANSFER": "CIBC Global Money Transfer™", "CIBC_FOREIGN_CASH_ONLINE": "CIBC Foreign Cash Online™", "CIBC_PRECIOUS_METALS_ONLINE": "CIBC Precious Metals Online", "CIBC_AIR_CANADA_AC": "CIBC Air Canada® AC conversion™ Visa* Prepaid Card", "PERSONAL_BANKING": "Personal Banking", "BUSINESS_BANKING": "Business Banking", "ABOUT_CIBC": "About CIBC", "CORPORATE_PROFILE": "Corporate Profile", "CORPORATE_RESPONSIBILITY": "Corporate Responsibility", "INVESTOR_RELATIONS": "Investor Relations", "MEDIA_CENTRE": "Media Centre", "CAREERS": "Careers", "CANADIAN_IMPERIAL": "Canadian Imperial", "ACCESSIBILITY_CIBC": "Accessibility at CIBC", "CONTRAST": "Contrast:", "TEXT_SIZE": "Text Size:", "NORMAL": "Normal", "HIGH": "High", "PRIVACY": "Privacy & Security", "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKETS_LEGAL": "CIBC Capital Markets Legal", "COPYRIGHT": "Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Website - Copyright © CIBC 2024", "CONTACTUS": "Contact Us", "CIBC_LOCATIONS": "CIBC Capital Markets Locations", "MEET_US": "Meet Us", "REPORTS_IN_ENGLISH": "All reports available in English only", "COOKIE_POLICY": "Cookie Policy" }, "FOOTER_LINKS": { "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKETS_DISCLOSURES": "", "CIBC_WORLD_MARKETS_INC": "http://www.cipf.ca/HomePage.aspx", "CIBC_WORLD_MARKET_CORP": "https://cibccm.com/en/disclosures/us-broker-dealer/", "OWNERSHIP_INTEREST_IN_TMX_GROUP": "http://www.cibccm.com/cibc-eportal-web/portal/documents?path=multiple-marketplace-disclosure.pdf", "TRADE_MATCHING_STATEMENT": "http://www.cibccm.com/cibc-eportal-web/portal/documents?path=worldMarket/trade-matching-statement-en.pdf", "THE_US_FOREIGN_ACCOUNT_TAX": "https://cibccm.com/en/disclosures/fatca/", "DODD_FRANK_DISCLOSURE": "https://cibccm.com/en/disclosures/dodd-frank/", "DODD_FRANK_COMPLAINTS_MAILBOX": "mailto:mailbox.doddfrankcomplaints@cibc.com", "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKETS_BEST_EXECUTION_POLICY": "https://manager.cibccm.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/cibc-capital-markets-best-execution-disclosure_v5.pdf", "EUROPEAN_REGULATORY_DISCLOSURES": "https://cibccm.com/en/disclosures/europe/", "CIBC_WEBSITES": "https://www.cibc.com/en/cibc-websites.html", "IMPERIAL_SERVICE": "https://www.cibc.com/en/imperial-service.html", "IMPERIAL_INVESTOR_SERVICE": "https://www.imperialinvestor.cibc.com/iis/index.html", "INVESTORS_EDGE": "https://www.investorsedge.cibc.com/en/home.html", "WOOD_GUNDY": "https://www.woodgundy.cibc.com/wg/index.html", "PRIVATE_WEALTH_MANAGEMENT": "https://www.cibc.com/en/private-wealth-management.html", "CIBC_US": "https://us.cibc.com/en/home.html", "CIBC_REWARDS": "http://www.cibcrewards.com/", "NEWCOMERS_TO_CANADA": "https://newcomer.cibc.com/", "BANKING_FOR_INTERNATIONAL_STUDENTS": "https://www.cibc.com/en/student.html", "CIBC_GLOBAL_MONEY_TRANSFER": "https://www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking/ways-to-bank/how-to/global-money-transfer.html", "CIBC_FOREIGN_CASH_ONLINE": "https://www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking/international/exchange-currency-online.html", "CIBC_PRECIOUS_METALS_ONLINE": "https://www.preciousmetals.cibc.com/", "CIBC_AIR_CANADA_AC": "https://www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking/prepaid/ac-conversion-card.html", "PERSONAL_BANKING": "https://www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking.html", "BUSINESS_BANKING": "https://www.cibc.com/en/business.html", "ABOUT_CIBC": "https://www.cibc.com/en/about-cibc.html", "CORPORATE_PROFILE": "https://www.cibc.com/en/about-cibc/corporate-profile.html", "CORPORATE_RESPONSIBILITY": "https://www.cibc.com/en/about-cibc/corporate-responsibility.html", "INVESTOR_RELATIONS": "https://www.cibc.com/en/about-cibc/investor-relations.html", "MEDIA_CENTRE": "https://www.cibc.com/en/about-cibc/media-centre.html", "CAREERS": "https://www.cibc.com/en/about-cibc/careers.html", "CANADIAN_IMPERIAL": "Canadian Imperial", "ACCESSIBILITY_CIBC": "https://www.cibc.com/en/accessibility.html", "PRIVACY": "https://www.cibc.com/en/privacy-security.html", "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKETS_LEGAL": "https://wtsiegelindex.cibccm.com/general-disclaimer", "CONTACTUS": "mailto:DLQIS@cibc.com", "CIBC_LOCATIONS": "https://cibccm.com/en/about-us/locations/", "CIBC_FACEBOOK": "https://www.facebook.com/CIBC/", "CIBC_TWITTER": "https://twitter.com/cibc", "CIBC_YOUTUBE": "https://www.youtube.com/user/CIBCVideos", "CIBC_LINKEDIN": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/cibc/", "COOKIE_POLICY": "https://www.cibc.com/en/privacy-security/cookie-policy.html" }, "HEADER": { "HOME": "HOME", "WELCOME":"Welcome", "MY_PROFILE":"My Profile", "LOGOUT":"Logout", "ASSET_CLASS": "ASSET CLASSES", "ASSET_CLASS_META": "Asset Classes", "MEDIA": "MEDIA", "TEAM": "TEAM", "MEDIA_META": "Media", "TEAM_META": "Team", "EXT_LINK_RE": "OTHER CIBC RESEARCH SITES", "SUBSCRIPTION":"EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION", "ARCHIVE_META": "Archive", "SEARCH_META": "Search Result", "PROFILE_META": "My Profile", "CHANGEPASS_META": "Change Password", "FORGOTUSER_META": "Forgot Username", "FORGOTPASS_META": "Forgot Password", "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKET": "CIBC Capital Markets", "CONFERENCES": "Conferences/Media", "ECONOMICS": "", "ECONOMICS_SUBMENU": "Economics", "CIBC_WEBSITE": "CIBC Websites", "REGISTER": "Register", "SIGN_ON": "Sign On", "CONTACT_US": "Contact Us", "ENGLISH": "English", "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKETS": "CIBC CAPITAL MARKETS", "FICC": "FICC Strategy", "FICC_TITLE": "CIBC FICC Strategy", "EQUITY_RESEARCH":"", "EQUITY_RESEARCH_LINK":"", "EQUITY_RESEARCH_SUBMENU":"Equity Research", "EQUITY_RESEARCH_LINK_SUBMENU":"https://researchcentral.cibccm.com/equitiesweb/EquitiesHome#TICKER_ID=1302&WORKSPACE_ID=EQU_COMPANY", "CIBC_CAPITAL_MARKET_LINK": "http://www.cibccm.com/cibc-eportal-web/portal/wm?pageId=home&language=en_CA", "CIBC_WEBSITE_LINK": "https://www.cibc.com/en/cibc-websites.html", "CONFERENCES_LINK": "https://cibcvirtual.com/CIBC2020GovernmentFinance/virexps", "ECONOMICS_LINK": "", "ECONOMICS_LINK_SUBMENU": "https://economics.cibccm.com", "CIBC_CAPITAL":"CIBC CAPITAL", "CIBC_MARKET":"MARKETS", "TITLE_MOBILE_1": "FICC", "TITLE_MOBILE_2": "STRATEGY" }, "LANGUAGE": { "ENGLISH": "English", "FRENCH": "French", "SPANISH": "Spanish" }, "LOGIN": { "LOGIN_FAIL_MSG": "Either Username Or Password Is Wrong! Please ensure you have registered with the new site first.", "LOGIN_USERNAME": "Username is required.", "LOGIN_PASSWORD": "Password is required.", "REMEMBER_ME": "Remember me", "SIGN_ON": "Sign on", "LOGIN_SUBMIT": "Submit", "DID_FORGET_YOUR_PASSWORD": "Did you forget your password?", "DID_FORGET_USERNAME": "Forgot your username?", "EXPIRED_USER": "Click here to sign in as an EXPIRED user", "REGISTER_TODAY": "Register today" }, "LEGAL": { "LABEL_LEGAL": "LEGAL", "LABEL_PARAGRAPH1_TEXT": "CIBC World Markets currently maintains a secondary market for Principal Protected Notes and Principal at Risk Notes offered in Canada, but reserves the right not to do so in the future, at its sole discretion, without providing prior notice to investors. For offerings within Canada, please see the applicable Information Statement or Pricing Supplement for details. Principal at Risk Note or Principal Protected Note offerings outside of Canada may have no established trading market when issued, and one may never develop. If a market does develop, it may not be liquid. Investors should be willing to hold these Notes until the maturity date.", "LABEL_PARAGRAPH2_TEXT": "The return on the Principal Protected Notes is dependent on the change in value (which may be positive or negative) of the underlying assets during the term of the note. Except where a Principal Protected Note expressly provides for a minimum guaranteed return, it is possible that there may be no interest (or no additional interest in the case of a note with a minimum guaranteed return) payable to the investor. Some Principal Protected Notes may also be subject to caps, participation rates and/or other limits. The full principal amount will be repaid at maturity. Please see the relevant information statement for complete details, including the precise formula for determining interest payments, on any Principal Protected Note offered in Canada, and the Final Terms and any Supplementary Prospectus relating to the particular Principal Protected Note offering outside of Canada.", "LABEL_PARAGRAPH3_TEXT": "Principal at Risk Notes are not principal protected. Since Principal at Risk Notes are not principal protected and their principal is at risk, it is possible that investors could lose substantially all of their original investment in the Notes. Principal at Risk Notes do not provide investors with a return or income stream prior to maturity and the return is not determinable prior to maturity. Any payment on a Principal at Risk Note at maturity will depend on the performance of the underlying assets during the term of a Principal Risk Note. Details regarding the calculation and payment of the amount payable on maturity and certain risk factors are contained in either i) the Short Form Base Shelf Prospectus of CIBC and the Pricing Supplement for a particular Principal at Risk Note offering in Canada; or (ii) the Prospectus for the European Medium Term Note Programme of CIBC dated December 17, 2010, and the Final Terms and any Supplementary Prospectus relating to the particular Principal at Risk Note offering for Principal at Risk offerings outside of Canada.", "LABEL_PARAGRAPH4_TEXT": "In Canada, the offering of Principal at Risk Notes constitutes a public offering of securities only in the jurisdictions where they may be lawfully offered for sale and therein only by persons permitted to sell such securities. Outside of Canada, the offering of Principal at Risk Notes is only made on a private placement basis to certain eligible investors. No securities regulatory authority has in any way passed upon the merits of the Principal at Risk Notes and any representation to the contrary is an offence and/or may give rise to civil liability.", "LABEL_PARAGRAPH5_TEXT": "Principal at Risk Notes and Principal Protected Notes offered outside Canada will not be offered for sale within Canada. Principal at Risk Notes and Principal Protected Notes offered in Canada will not be offered for sale outside Canada.", "LABEL_PARAGRAPH6_TEXT": "Some Principal Protected Notes and Principal at Risk Notes are linked to the performance of one or more indices. Each index name generally represents a trademark or service mark of the relevant index sponsor who reserves all rights, including copyright to the index. Each index is licensed for use by CIBC. The Principal Protected Notes and Principal at Risk Notes are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by any index sponsor and none of the index sponsors makes any representation, warranty, or condition regarding the advisability of investing in the Principal Protected Notes or Principal at Risk Notes or accepts any liability in relation to the issue, operation and trading of the Principal Protected Notes or Principal at Risk Notes. Investors should read the applicable Information Statement, Pricing Supplement, or Final Terms and any Supplementary Prospectus for more information on any index, including its historical performance. ", "LABEL_PARAGRAPH7_TEXT": "The CIBC logo and \" For what matters. \" are trademarks of CIBC." }, "HOME": { "READ_MORE": "READ MORE", "RECENT_TITLE": " RECENT RESEARCH", "FX": "FX", "RATES": "Rates", "G10": "G10", "AISA_PAC": "Asia-Pacific", "LATAM": "EM LatAm", "GOVT_CRE": "Government Credit", "CORP_CRE": "Corporate Credit", "QUANTITATIVE_RESEARCH": "Quantitative Strategy", "SSA":"SSA", "CONF_CALL": "Conference Calls ", "CLICK_HERE": "Click here for ", "PAGE": "page", "SEARCH":"SEARCH RESULTS", "NO_RESULT":"No Results Found", "UNDER_MAINTAINANCE":"Under Maintainance" }, "LANDING": { "LOGIN_READ_MORE": " LOGIN TO READ MORE" }, "MEDIA": { "ARCHIVE": "ARCHIVE", "CONT": "Access to Media Archive" }, "ARCHIVE_HEAD": { "ASSET_ARCHIVE": "ARCHIVE", "MEDIA_ARCHIVE": "ARCHIVE" }, "ASSETS_CLASS": { "RATES": "RATES", "RATES_TEXT": "Our interest-rate strategy offering spans the linear spectrum of products in Canada. We provide timely research on the major themes influencing domestic rates, with an acute focus on developing actionable trading strategies for our clients. The bedrock of our approach is both quantitative and fundamental. Since 2018, the Rates Strategy team has consistently ranked #1 for Canadian interest-rate research.", "GOVT_CRE": "GOVERNMENT CREDIT", "GOVT_TEXT": "CIBC’s Government Credit coverage looks at factors impacting the political, economic, fiscal and debt performance of Canada’s federal, provincial and municipal issuers as well as crown corporations. Here you will also find detailed analysis of credit tr", "CORP_CRE": "CORPORATE CREDIT", "CORP_TEXT": "Our interest-rate strategy offering spans the linear spectrum of products in Canada. We provide timely research on the major themes influencing domestic rates, with an acute focus on developing actionable trading strategies for our clients. The bedrock of our approach is both quantitative and fundamental. Since 2018, the Rates Strategy team has consistently ranked #1 for Canadian interest-rate research.", "G10_FX": "G10 FX", "G10_FX_TEXT": "Our award-winning G-10 FX research looks at the themes, trends, and monetary developments within the advanced economies to distill those into actionable trade strategies and ideas.", "ASIA-PAC": "ASIA-PAC FX", "ASIA-PAC_TEXT": "We examine the underlying themes, issues and trends affecting Asian currencies.", "LATAM": "LATAM FX", "LATAM_TEXT": "We examine the underlying themes, issues and trends affecting Latin American currencies.", "QUANTITATIVE": "QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH", "QUANTITATIVE_TEXT": "The Quantitative Strategy team provides cross-asset insights using a data-driven, evidence-based approach. We solve today’s most challenging questions in a systematic and multi-disciplinary way, utilizing: data-science, machine-learning and statistics. Our goal is to complement the fundamental work conducted by our partners in FICC Strategy and CIBC Economics, while optimizing investment decisions in a field that is largely probabilistic.", "ARCHIVE": "ARCHIVE", "ARCHIVE_CONT": "FX - G10 archive", "STRATEGY_TEAM": "STRATEGY TEAM", "NO_ITEM": "No items", "RATES_ARCHIVE":"Access to Rates Archive", "GOVT_CRE_ARCHIVE":"Access to Government Credit Archive", "CORP_CRE_ARCHIVE":"Access to Corporate Credit Archive", "G10_FX_ARCHIVE":"Access to G10 FX Archive", "ASIA-PAC_ARCHIVE":"Access to Asia-Pacific FX Archive", "LATAM_ARCHIVE":"Access to EM LatAm FX Archive", "QUANTITATIVE_ARCHIVE":"Access to Quantitative Strategy Archive", "SSA_ARCHIVE":"Access to SSA Archive", "RATES_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "GOVT_CRE_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "CORP_CRE_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "G10_FX_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "ASIA-PAC_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "LATAM_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "QUANTITATIVE_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "SSA_ARCHIVE_HEAD":"ARCHIVE", "EVENTS_TITLE": "EVENTS" }, "EXPIRIED_USER": { "REFRESH_MSG":" (Don't refresh this page) ", "USER_PROFILE": "User Profile", "PROFILE_INFO": "Personal Information", "FIRST_NAME": "First Name", "LAST_NAME": "Last Name", "TITLE": "Title", "COMPANY": "Company", "ADDRESS": "Address", "ADDRESS2": "Address 2", "CITY": "City", "PROVINCE": "Province", "POSTAL_CODE": "Postal Code", "COUNTRY": "Country", "EMAIL": "Email", "WORK_PHONE": "Work Phone ", "MOBILE_PHONE": "Mobile Phone ", "CLIENT_PARA": "Are you a European-based client that is subject to MiFiD compliance", "REPRE_INFO": "CIBC Representative Information", "LOGIN_DETAIL": "Login Detail", "USERNAME": "Username", "CHANGE_PASS": "Change Password", "VERIFICATION": "Verification", "VERIFY_PARA": "For security we will send you a one time verification code. Please select how you would like to receive this code.", "THROUGH": "Through", "BY": "By", "GEN_DISCLAIMER": " I have read and understand the general disclaimer detailed in", "CM": " CIBC Capital Markets legal", "TERMS": "Please Agree the terms and conditions.", "REGISTER": "Register", "UPDATE_VERIFY": "Update Profile Verification", "VERIFY_MESSAGE": "A text message with verificaition code was just sent to", "VERIFY_MESSAGE1": "A text message with verificaition code has", "SEND_TO": "just sent to", "SENT_TO": "been sent to ", "VERIFY_VOICE_CALL": "The verification code was communicated through voice message", "VERIFY_CALL": "The verificaition code was communicated through", "VOICECALL": " voice call to ", "VERIFY_CODE": "Verification Code", "RESEND_CODE": "Resend Verification Code", "UPDATE_PROFILE": "Update Profile Confirmation", "UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your update profile has been successfully submitted.", "APPROVE_MESSAGE": "", "SUBMIT": "Submit", "EDIT_ACCOUNT":"Edit Account", "CANCEL":"Cancel", "SEND_VERIFICATION":"Send Verification Code" }, "CHANGE_PASS": { "CHANGE_PASS": "Change Password", "OLD_PASS":"Old Password", "SEND_VERIFICATION": "Send Verification Code", "SEND_CODE": "Sending Verification Code", "SEND_CODE_SUBTEXT": "Sending Verification Code", "VERIFY_PARA": " For security we will send you a one time verification code. Please select how you would like to receive this code :", "SELECT": "Please select one of the following :", "BY": "By", "TO": "to", "RESEND_TITLE": "Change Password", "SELECT1": " You must select any of the above", "SEND_CODE1": "Send Verification Code", "RESEND": " Verification and Reset Password", "VERIFY_RESET": "Verification and Reset Password", "VERIFY_PARA1": "Verificaiton code was just sent to selected device", "VERIFY_CODE": "Verification Code ", "RESEND_CODE": "Resend Verification Code", "NEW_PASS": "Please set your new password : ", "PASSWORD": "Password", "RE_PASSWORD": "Retype Password", "SUBMIT": "Submit", "CANCEL":"Cancel", "CONFORM": " Confirmation", "SUCCESS": " Your change password request has been successfully completed." }, "OTVC_MSG": { "RESEND": "A new OTVC has been generated again, Please check your preferred contact type", "VERIFICATION_EMAIL_MSG1_PHRASE1":"Upon requesting for verification code you will receive it at", "VERIFICATION_EMAIL_MSG1_PHRASE2":"", "VERIFICATION_EMAIL_MSG2_PHRASE1":"We have already sent you a verification code to", "VERIFICATION_EMAIL_MSG2_PHRASE2":"Please check this contact and enter it here." }, "FORGOT_PASS": { "TITLE": " Forgot Password", "TEXT": " Your Personal Information", "PARA": " To reset your password, please complete the Forgot Password form.", "USERNAME": "Username", "FIRST_NAME": "First Name", "LAST_NAME": "Last Name", "PHONE_NO": "Any phone numbers in your account", "SEND_CODE": "Sending Verification Code", "VERIFY_PARA": " For security we will send you a One Time Verification Code. Please select how you would like to receive this code :", "SELECT": "Please select one of the following :", "BY": "By", "TO": "to", "SELECT1": " You must select any of the above", "SEND_CODE1": "Send Verification Code", "RESEND": " Verification and Reset Password", "VERIFY_PARA1": " A text message with verificaiton code was just sent to ", "VERIFY_CODE": "Verification Code ", "RESEND_CODE": "Resend Verification Code", "NEW_PASS": "Please set your new password : ", "PASSWORD": "Password", "RE_PASSWORD": "Retype Password", "SUBMIT": "Submit", "CONFORM": " Confirmation", "FINAL_MSG":" Your reset password request has been successfully completed. Please proceed to login with your new password.", "SUCCESS": " Your reset password request successfully completed.", "MESSAGE": " You can now login with your new password.", "SIGNON": "Proceed to Sign on", "LABEL_REQUIRED_FIELDS": "* Required fields" }, "FORGOT_USER": { "TITLE": " Forgot Username", "TEXT": " Your Personal Information", "PARA": " To receive your username, please complete the Forgot username form.", "EMAIL": "Email", "FIRST_NAME": "First Name", "LAST_NAME": "Last Name", "PHONE_NO": "Any phone numbers in your account", "SEND_CODE": "Sending Verification Code", "SEND_USERNAME": " Sending Username", "VERIFY_PARA": "Please select below how you would like to receive your username :", "SELECT": "Please select one of the following :", "BY": "By", "TO": "to", "SELECT1": " You must select any of the above", "SEND_CODE1": "Send Username", "RESEND": " Verification and Reset Password", "VERIFY_PARA1": " A text message with verificaiton code was just sent to ", "VERIFY_CODE": "Verification Code ", "RESEND_CODE": "Resend Verification Code", "NEW_PASS": "Please set your new password : ", "PASSWORD": "Password", "RE_PASSWORD": "Retype Password", "SUBMIT": "Submit", "CONFORM": " Confirmation", "SUCCESS": " Your reset password request successfully completed.", "MESSAGE": " We just sent your username to ", "SIGNON": "Proceed to Sign on", "CANCEL":"Cancel" }, "REGISTER_USER": { "HEADING": "Register to access the latest Notes, MLGICs, portfolio tools and more.", "TELL_ABOUT": "Tell us about yourself.", "LABEL_YES": "Yes", "LABEL_NO": "No", "LABEL_ADVISOR_QUESTION": "Are you a Canadian Financial Advisor?", "LABEL_RESIDENT_QUESTION": "Are you a Canadian Investor?", "LABEL_FIRSTNAME": "First Name", "LABEL_LASTNAME": "Last Name", "LABEL_CITY": "City", "LABEL_PROVINCE": "Province", "LABEL_COUNTRY": "Country", "LABEL_EMAIL": "Email", "LABEL_EMAIL_NOTE": "We will use your email address as the main method to communicate with you about your notes.cibc.com registration and identify you for the purposes of administrating your notes.cibc.com profile.", "LABEL_REPEAT_EMAIL": "Repeat Email", "LABEL_DEALER": "Dealer", "LABEL_USERNAME": "Username", "LABEL_PASSWORD": "Password", "LABEL_REPEAT_PASSWORD": "Repeat Password", "LABEL_REQUIRED_FIELDS": "* Required fields", "LABEL_AGREE": "I agree to CIBC's", "LABEL_TERMS_CONDITIONS": "terms and conditions", "LABEL_EMAIL_COPY": "Email me a copy of CIBC's", "LABEL_REGISTER_BUTTON": "REGISTER", "LABEL_ERROR_FIRSTNAME": "First Name is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_LASTNAME": "Last Name is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_CITY": "City is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_PROVINCE": "Province / State is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_EMAIL": "Email is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_REPEAT_EMAIL": "Repeat Email is a required field.", "LABEL_INVALID_EMAIL": "Invaild Email Address.", "LABEL_INVALID_REPEAT_EMAIL": "Invaild Repeat Email Address.", "LABEL_ERROR_DEALER": "Dealer is a required field. (ex. CIBC Wood Gundy)", "LABEL_ERROR_COUNTRY": "Country is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_USERNAME": "Username is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_PASSWORD": "Password is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_REPEAT_PASSWORD": "Repeat Password is a required field.", "LABEL_SELECT_PROVINCE": "Select Province", "LABEL_SELECT_COUNTRY": "Select Country", "LABEL_ALBERTA": "Alberta", "LABEL_BC": "BC", "LABEL_MANITOBA": "Manitoba", "LABEL_NEWFOUNDLAND": "Newfoundland", "LABEL_BRUNSWICK": "New Brunswick", "LABEL_NORTHWEST_TERRITORIES": "Northwest Territories", "LABEL_NOVA_SCOTIA": "Nova Scotia", "LABEL_NUNAVAT": "Nunavat", "LABEL_ONTARIO": "Ontario", "LABEL_PEI": "PEI", "LABEL_QUEBEC": "Quebec", "LABEL_SASKATCHEWAN": "Saskatchewan", "LABEL_YUKON_TERRITORY": "Yukon Territory", "LABEL_EMAIL_REPEAT_NOTSAME": "Email & Repeat Email should be same.", "LABEL_USERNAME_ERROR": "Username must be atleast 4 characters long.", "LABEL_PASSWORD_ERROR": "Password should be at least eight characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character($@#!*&).", "LABEL_PASSWORD_REPEAT_ERROR": "Password & Repeat Password should be same.", "LABEL_RESET_PASSWORD_REPEAT_ERROR": "New Password & Confirm New Password should be same.", "LABEL_USERNAME_EXIST_ERROR": "Username already exist.", "LABEL_EMAIL_EXIST_ERROR": "This email has already been registered. Please try again with a different email.", "LABEL_ERROR_USERNAME_PATTERN": "Username should accept only characters,numbers,space and special chars(@_-.).", "LABEL_ERROR_FIRSTNAME_PATTERN": "First Name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "LABEL_ERROR_LASTNAME_PATTERN": "Last Name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "LABEL_ERROR_NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_CONFIRM_NEWPASSWORD": "Confirm New Password is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_CAPTCHA": "Captcha is a required field.", "LABEL_CAPTCHA": "Captcha", "LABEL_MOBILE_NUMBER_ERROR": "Error while sending the verification code to the mentioned phone number.", "LABEL_INVALID_CAPTCHA_ERROR": "Invalid Captcha entered.", "LABEL_CAPTCHA_CODE": "Enter Captcha Code", "LABEL_ADVISOR_ERROR": "Registration is only available for Canadian Investors.", "LABEL_UNAVAIL_ERROR": "An error occurred during the registration process. Please try again later.", "MOBILE_PHONE": "Mobile Number", "MOBILE_PHONE_REQUIRED": "Mobile Number is a required field.", "WORK_PHONE": "Work Phone Number", "WORK_PHONE_REQUIRED": "Work Phone is a required field.", "OTHER_PHONE": "Other Phone Number", "OTHER_PHONE_REQUIRED": "Other Phone Number is a required field.", "PHONE_PATTERN": "Format should be (111) 111-1111." }, "RESET_PASSWORD": { "HEADING": "CHANGE PASSWORD", "LABEL_OLD_PASSWORD": "Old Password", "LABEL_NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password", "LABEL_CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD": "Confirm New Password", "LABEL_RESET": "Change Password", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS": "Password has been changed successfully.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_INVALID": "Incorrect Old Password entered.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_ERROR": "An error occured while changing your password.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_REPEAT_ERROR": "Provided new password contains ascending or descending sequencing beyond two consecutive characters.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PREVIOUS_PASSWORD_ERROR": "Provided new password has been already used in the last seven iterations.", "PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_IDENTICAL_CHARACTER_REPEAT": "There are too many identical characters repeated.", "PASSWORD_POLICY": "The Password did not satisfy the security policy.", "PASSWORD_PATTERN_POLICY": "Password should be at least eight characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character($@#!*&)." }, "REGISTRATION": { "TOP_HEADING": "REGISTRATION", "TOP_PARA": "Register to access the latest Notes, MLGICs, portfolio tools and more.", "ARE_YOU_1": "Are you a Canadian Financial Advisor?", "ARE_YOU_2": "Are you a Canadian Investor?", "QUESTION_YES": "Yes", "QUESTION_NO": "No", "FIRSTNAME": "First Name", "LASTNAME": "Last Name", "COUNTRY": "Country", "PROVINCE": "Province", "CITY": "City", "EMAIL": "Email", "REPEAT_EMAIL": "Repeat Email", "DEALER": "Dealer", "USERNAME": "Username", "PASSWORD": "Password", "REPEATPASSWORD": "Repeat Password", "CAPTCHA": "Captcha", "PLEASE_SELECT": "Please Select", "PLEASE_SELECT_PROVINCE": "Select Province", "DROPDOWN_CANADA": "Canada", "DROPDOWN_ALBERTA": "Alberta", "DROPDOWN_BC": "BC", "DROPDOWN_MANITOBA": "Manitoba", "DROPDOWN_NEWFOUNDLAND": "Newfoundland", "DROPDOWN_BRUNSWICK": "New Brunswick", "DROPDOWN_NORTHWEST_TERRITORIES": "Northwest Territories", "DROPDOWN_NOVA_SCOTIA": "Nova Scotia", "DROPDOWN_NUNAVAT": "Nunavat", "DROPDOWN_ONTARIO": "Ontario", "DROPDOWN_PEI": "PEI", "DROPDOWN_QUEBEC": "Quebec", "DROPDOWN_SASKATCHEWAN": "Saskatchewan", "DROPDOWN_YUKON_TERRITORY": "Yukon Territory", "EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Email is a required field.", "EMAIL_NOTE": "We will use your email address as the main method to communicate with you about your notes.cibc.com registration and identify you for the purposes of administrating your notes.cibc.com profile.", "FIRSTNAME_REQUIRED": "First Name is a required field.", "FIRSTNAME_PATTERN": "First Name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "LASTNAME_REQUIRED": "Last Name is a required field.", "LASTNAME_PATTERN": "Last Name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "PROVINCE_REQUIRED": "Province / State is a required field.", "COUNTRY_REQUIRED": "Country is a required field.", "LANGUAGE_REQUIRED": "Language is a required field.", "REPEATEMAIL_REQUIRED": "Repeat Email is a required field.", "EMAIL_PATTERN": "Invalid Email Address.", "EMAIL_MATCH": "Email & Repeat Email should be same.", "DEALER_REQUIRED": "Dealer is a required field. (ex. CIBC Wood Gundy)", "DEALER_PATTERN": "Dealer should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "CITY_REQUIRED": "City is a required field.", "CITY_PATTERN": "City should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "REQUIRED_FIELDS": "* Required fields", "REGISTER_BUTTON": "REGISTER", "CANCEL_BUTTON":"Cancel", "REGISTRATION_ALERT_MSG": "Registration is only available for Canadian Investors.", "USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Username is a required field.", "USERNAME_MINLENGTH": "Username must be atleast 4 characters long.", "USERNAME_MAXLENGTH": "Username must not be more than 50 characters long.", "USERNAME_PATTERN": "Username should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Password is a required field.", "PASSWORD_MINLENGTH": "Password should be at least eight characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character($@#!*&).", "PASSWORD_PATTERN": "Password should be at least eight characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character($@#!*&).", "PASSWORD_MATCH": "Password & Repeat Password should be same.", "RETYPE_PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Repeat Password is a required field.", "CAPTCHA_REQUIRED": "Captcha is a required field.", "LABEL_ADVISOR_ERROR": "Registration is only available for Canadian Investors.", "LABEL_UNAVAIL_ERROR": "An error occurred during the registration process. Please try again later.", "LABEL_USERNAME_EXIST_ERROR": "Username already exist.", "LABEL_EMAIL_EXIST_ERROR": "This email has already been registered. Please try again with a different email.", "LABEL_INVALID_CAPTCHA_ERROR": "Invalid Captcha entered.", "HEADING_THANKYOU": "Thank you for registering.", "PHONE": "Phone *", "PHONE_REQUIRED": "Phone is a required field.", "PHONE_PATTERN": "Format should be (111) 111-1111.", "LANGUAGE": "Language", "SELECT_LANGUAGE": "Select Language", "DROPDOWN_ENGLISH": "English", "DROPDOWN_FRENCH": "French", "DROPDOWN_SPANISH": "Spanish", "THROUGH": "Contact Type", "BY": "Channel", "DROPDOWN_MOBILE": "Mobile", "DROPDOWN_WORK_PHONE": "Work Phone", "DROPDOWN_OTHER_PHONE": "Other Phone", "DROPDOWN_SMS": "SMS", "DROPDOWN_VOICE": "VOICE", "CONTACT_TYPE_REQUIRED": "Contact type is a required field.", "CHANNEL_REQUIRED": "Channel is a required field.", "VERIFICATION": "VERIFICATION", "VERIFICATION_NOTE": "For security we will send you a one time verification code. Please select how you would like to receive this code." }, "HOME_POST_LOGIN": { "REGISTER_FOR_HEADING": "Information", "REGISTER_FOR_NOTES": "You haven't registered with FICC Strategy yet. Please register to access the latest documents of rates, latam fx, media and more..", "NOT_NOW": "Not now", "REGISTER_NOW": "Register", "OK": "OK", "UPDATE": "UPDATE", "LOGOUT": "LOGOUT", "EXPIRED_USER_LOGIN": "Your account is expired kindly update your profile.", "DOWNLOAD_ERROR_NOT_EXPIRED": "Your account is expired kindly update your profile to download reports.", "DOWNLOAD_ERROR_NOT_PROCESSED": "You are not authorized to download reports. Your registration request is pending approval.", "DOWNLOAD_ERROR_REJECT": "You are not authorized to download reports. Your registration request has been rejected.", "SHARED_LINK_MSG":"Do you want to open the shared link?", "SHARED_LINK_MSG_BTN":"Yes", "SHARED_LINK_MSG_CANCEL":"Cancel", "SHARED_LINK_HEAD":"Information" }, "REGISTER": { "REFRESH_MSG":" (Don't refresh this page) ", "PLEASE_SELECT": "Please Select", "HEADING": "Account Registration ", "TEXT": " To access the latest content from the CIBC FICC Strategy Team, please complete the form and select register. All requests will be subject to verification by your sales representative. CIBC will aim to process requests within three business days of receipt.", "PROFILE_INFO": "Personal Information", "FIRST_NAME": "First Name", "LAST_NAME": "Last Name", "TITLE": "Title", "COMPANY": "Company", "ADDRESS": "Address", "ADDRESS2": "Address 2", "CITY": "City", "PROVINCE": "Province", "POSTAL_CODE": "Postal Code", "COUNTRY": "Country", "EMAIL": "Email", "WORK_PHONE": "Work Phone ", "MOBILE_PHONE": "Mobile Phone ", "CLIENT_PARA": "Are you a European-based client that is subject to MiFiD compliance", "REPRE_INFO": "CIBC Representative Information", "LOGIN_DETAIL": "Login Detail", "USERNAME": "Username", "PASSWORD": "Password", "RE_PASSWORD": "Retype Password", "CHANGE_PASS": "Change Password", "CAPTCHA": "Captcha", "VERIFICATION": "Verification", "VERIFY_PARA": "For security we will send you a one time verification code. Please select how you would like to receive this code.", "THROUGH": "Through", "BY": "By", "GEN_DISCLAIMER": " I have read and understand the general disclaimer detailed in", "CM": " CIBC Capital Markets legal", "TERMS": "Please Agree the terms and conditions.", "REGISTER": "Register", "CANCEL":"Cancel", "PROCEED_HOME":"Proceed to home", "REGISTER_VERIFY": "Registration Verification", "VERIFY_MESSAGE": "Please complete your registration using the one time verification code we sent to ", "SEND_TO": "just sent to", "VERIFY_VOICE_CALL": "The verification code was communicated through voice message", "VERIFY_CALL": "The verificaition code was communicated through", "VOICECALL": " voice call to ", "VERIFY_CODE": "Verification Code", "RESEND_CODE": "Resend Verification Code", "RESEND_CODE_TIMER": "Resend OTVC in ", "RESEND_CODE_TIMER_SEC": "secs", "CONFORM": "Registration Confirmation", "SUCCESS": " Your profile update request has been successfully submitted.", "REG_SUCCESS": " Your registration has been successfully completed. Please proceed to login with your username and password.", "REG_SUCCESS1":"Your registration has been successfully completed.", "APPROVE_MESSAGE": " You will be notified when your registration is approved.", "MOBILE_VERIFY_NOTE": "Please note that the mobile based one-time verification will work only for Canada/USA. For other countries, please choose EMAIL as contact type to receive verification code." }, "DISCLAIMER": "DISCLAIMER AND TERMS OF USE", "PARA1": "Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, CIBC World Markets Inc. or its affiliates may, currently or at any time in the future, engage in these trading strategies or hold positions in these issuers, securities, commodities, currencies or other financial instruments discussed in this communication and may abandon such trading strategies or unwind such positions at any time without notice. ", "PARA2": " This communication, including any attachment(s), is confidential and has been prepared by FX Strategists within the Global Markets Group at CIBC Capital Markets.", "PARA3": " CIBC Capital Markets is a trademark brand name under which different legal entities provide different services. Products and / or services offered through CIBC Capital Markets include products and / or services offered by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and various of its subsidiaries. Services offered by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce include corporate lending services, foreign exchange, money market instruments, structured notes, interest rate products and OTC derivatives. CIBC’s Foreign Exchange Disclosure Statement relating to guidelines contained in the FX Global Code can be found at cibccm.com/fxdisclosure. Other products and services, such as exchange-traded equity and equity options, fixed income securities and futures execution of Canadian securities are offered through directly or indirectly held by CIBC World Markets Inc. or other CIBC subsidiaries as indicated below. ", "PARA4": "The contents of this communication are based on macro and issuer-specific analysis, issuer news, market events and general institutional desk discussion. The author(s) of this communication is not acting in the capacity of Research Analyst and this communication is not the product of any CIBC World Markets Inc. Research Department nor should it be construed as a Research Report, unless disclosed. The author(s) of this communication is not a person or company with actual, implied or apparent authority to act on behalf of any issuer mentioned in the communication. ", "PARA5": "The commentary and any attachments (other than any attached CIBC World Markets Inc. branded Research Reports) and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the individual author(s), except where the author expressly states them to be the opinions of CIBC World Markets Inc. The author(s) may provide short-term trading views or ideas on issuers, securities, commodities, currencies or other financial instruments but investors should not expect continuing analysis, views or discussion relating to the securities, securities, commodities, currencies or other financial instruments discussed herein. Any information provided herein is not intended to represent an adequate basis for investors to make an informed investment decision and is subject to change without notice. CIBC World Markets Inc., Canadian Imperial Bank of Canada or its affiliates may, currently or at any time in the future, engage in these trading strategies or hold positions in these issuers, securities, commodities, currencies or other financial instruments discussed in this communication and may abandon such trading strategies or unwind such positions at any time without notice.", "PARA6": "The contents of this message are tailored for particular client needs and accordingly, this message is intended for the specific recipient only. Any dissemination, re-distribution or other use of this message or the market commentary contained herein by any recipient is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please reply to this e-mail and delete this communication and any copies without forwarding them. This report does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or specific needs of any particular client of CIBC. Before making an investment decision on the basis of any information contained in this report, the recipient should consider whether such information is appropriate given the recipient’s particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances. CIBC suggests that, prior to acting on any information contained herein, you contact one of our client advisers in your jurisdiction to discuss your particular circumstances. Since the levels and bases of taxation can change, any reference in this report to the impact of taxation should not be construed as offering tax advice; as with any transaction having potential tax implications, clients should consult with their own tax advisors. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The information and any statistical data contained herein were obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that they are accurate or complete, and they should not be relied upon as such. All estimates and opinions expressed herein constitute judgments as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. This report may provide addresses of, or contain hyperlinks to, Internet web sites. CIBC has not reviewed the linked Internet web site of any third party and takes no responsibility for the contents thereof. Each such address or hyperlink is provided solely for the recipient’s convenience and information, and the content of linked third-party web sites is not in any way incorporated into this document. Recipients who choose to access such third-party web sites or follow such hyperlinks do so at their own risk. ", "PARA7": "Distribution in Hong Kong: This communication has been approved and is issued in Hong Kong by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Hong Kong Branch, a registered institution under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (the “SFO”) to “professional investors” as defined in clauses (a) to (h) of the definition thereof set out in Schedule 1 of the SFO. Any recipient in Hong Kong who has any questions or requires further information on any matter arising from or relating to this communication should contact Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Hong Kong Branch at Suite 3602, Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong (telephone number: +852 2841-6111). ", "PARA8": " Distribution in Singapore: This communication is intended solely for distribution to accredited investors, expert investors and institutional investors (each, an “eligible recipients”). Eligible recipients should contact Danny Tan at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Singapore Branch at 16 Collyer Quay #04-02 Singapore 049318 (telephone number + 65 6423-3806) in respect of any matter arising from or in connection with this report.", "PARA9": "Distribution in Japan: This communication is distributed in Japan by CIBC World Markets (Japan) Inc.Distribution in Australia: Communications concerning derivatives and foreign exchange contracts are distributed in Australia to “professional investors” within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 by CIBC World Markets Inc. Communications concerning securities are distributed in Australia by CIBC Australia Ltd (License no. 240603; ACN 000 067 256) to CIBC Capital Markets clients.", "PARA10": " CIBC World Markets Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. In the United States, CIBC World Markets Corp. is a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Securities Investor Protection Fund. CIBC World Markets plc is authorized by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. CIBC World Markets Securities Ireland Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Sydney Branch (ABN: 33 608 235 847), is an authorized foreign bank branch regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). CIBC Australia Ltd (AFSL No: 240603) is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (“ASIC”). CIBC World Markets (Japan) Inc. is a member of the Japanese Securities Dealer Association. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Hong Kong Branch, is a registered institution under the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap 571. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Singapore Branch, is an offshore bank licensed and regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore", "PARA11": " Unauthorized use, distribution, duplication or disclosure without the prior written permission of CIBC World Markets Inc. is prohibited and may result in prosecution.", "REGISTRATION_FIRSTNAME": "First name *", "REGISTRATION_FIRSTNAME_REQUIRED": "First name is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_FIRSTNAME_PATTERN": "First name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "REGISTRATION_LASTNAME": "Last name *", "REGISTRATION_LASTNAME_REQUIRED": "Last name is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_LASTNAME_PATTERN": "Last name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "REGISTRATION_COMPANY": "Company *", "REGISTRATION_COMPANY_REQUIRED": "Company is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_COMPANY_PATTERN": "Company should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "REGISTRATION_TITLE": "Title *", "REGISTRATION_TITLE_REQUIRED": "Title is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_TITLE_PATTERN": "Title should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "REGISTRATION_CITY": "City *", "REGISTRATION_CITY_REQUIRED": "City is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_CITY_PATTERN": "City should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "REGISTRATION_PROVINCE": "Province *", "REGISTRATION_PROVINCE_REQUIRED": "Province is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_COUNTRY": "Country *", "REGISTRATION_COUNTRY_REQUIRED": "Country is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_COUNTRY_PATTERN": "Country should accept only characters and space.", "REGISTRATION_PHONE": "Phone *", "REGISTRATION_PHONE_REQUIRED": "Phone is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_PHONE_PATTERN": "Format should be (111) 111-1111.", "REGISTRATION_PHONE_INVALID": "Invalid phone number", "REGISTRATION_WORKPHONE_REQUIRED": "Phone is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_IS_EUROPEAN_REQUIRED": "European Client is a required field", "REGISTRATION_WORKPHONE_PATTERN": "Format should be (111) 111-1111.", "REGISTRATION_EMAIL": "Email *", "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Email is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_PATTERN": "Email must be a valid email address.", "REGISTRATION_CAPTCHA": "Captcha *", "REGISTRATION_CAPTCHA_REQUIRED": "Captcha is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_CAPTCHA_ERROR": "Invalid Captcha entered.", "REGISTRATION_CIBC_REPRESENTATIVE": "CIBC representative details:", "REGISTRATION_USERNAME": "Username *", "REGISTRATION_USERNAME_REQUIRED": "Username is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_PASSWORD": "Password *", "REGISTRATION_PASSWORD_REQUIRED": "Password is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_PASSWORD_MINLENGTH": "Password must be at least 6 characters.", "REGISTRATION_PASSWORD_PATTERN": "Password should be at least eight characters with atleast one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character.", "REGISTRATION_RETYPE_PASSWORD": "Re-type password *", "REGISTRATION_RETYPE_REQUIRED": "Re-type password is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_PASSWORD_MATCH": "Password & re-type password should be same.", "REGISTRATION_SIGNON_CREDIENTIALS": "Please sign on with your credentials.", "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_CODE_MESSAGE": "Please complete your registration using the verification code that you have received from the email we've sent you.", "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_CODE": "Verification code *", "REGISTRATION_COMPLTED_EXPLANATION_1": "You will receive a notification email once this has been done.", "REGISTRATION_PREVIOUS_BUTTON": "Previous", "REGISTRATION_NEXT_BUTTON": "Next", "REGISTRATION_REGISTER_BUTTON": "Register", "REGISTRATION_REGENERATE_BUTTON": "Re-generate", "REGISTRATION_CLOSE_BUTTON": "Close", "REGISTRATION_POSTALCODE_REQUIRED": "Postal Code is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_POSTALCODE_PATTERN": "Postal Code should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "USERNAME_ALREADY_EXSISTE": "Username already exists.", "REGISTRATION_USERNAME_MINLENGTH": "Username must be atleast 4 characters long.", "REGISTRATION_USERNAME_MAXLENGTH": "Username must be below 50 characters long.", "REGISTRATION_INVALID_VERIFICATION_RESPONSE": "An error occurred while verifying your account details. Please try again later.", "REGISTRATION_INVALID_REGISTER_RESPONSE": "An error occurred while registering your account details. Please try again later.", "REGISTRATION_INVALID_CAPTCHA": "Invalid captcha entered.", "REGISTRATION_INVALID_USER": "No verification available for this user.", "EMAIL_ALREADY_EXSIST": "Email has already been registered. Please sign on with your credentials.", "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_CODE_REQUIRED": "Verification code is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_CODE_MINLENGTH": "Verification code must be 8 characters long.", "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_CODE_PATTERN": "Verification code must be numbers only.", "REGISTRATION_USERNAME_SPACE": "Username should not contain any space.", "REGISTRATION_USERNAME_PATTERN": "Username should accept only alphanumeric, space and special characters from the following .@-_", "REGISTRATION_USER_VERIFIED": "This user has been already verified.", "REGISTRATION_US_CLIENT": "U.S. Client", "REJECTED_USER_MESSAGE": "The admin has rejected your registration request.", "PROCESSED_USER_MESSAGE": "The admin hasn't processed your registration request yet.", "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_CODE_USER_EXSIST": "Your user account has already been verified. Please login with your username/password.", "REGISTRATION_VERIFICATION_CODE_LOST": "Didn't received your verification code through email or lost the verification code.", "API_TIMEOUT": "Sorry, Something went wrong. Please try again later.", "USER_INACTIVITY": "Timeout occured due to inactivity. Please log out and sign on again.", "START_HERE": "Start here", "FORGET_USER": "Please Provide valid username!", "RETURN_LOGIN": "Return back to login", "OTVC_REQ": "Verification is a required field.", "OTVC_PAT": "Verification Code should have only numbers.", "PWD_REQ": "Password is a required field.", "PWD_PAT": "Password should be at least eight characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character.", "CPWD_REQ": "Confirm Password is a required field.", "PWD_MATCH": "New Password & Confirm Password should be same.", "GET_OTVC": "Get Password OTVC", "EMAIL_SUPPORT": "If you haven't received any email, please contact our support team.", "LOGIN_FAIL_MSG": "Either Username Or Password Is Wrong! Please ensure you have registered with the new site first.", "USERNAME_NOT_FOUND": "Provided username is not found.", "EMAIL_NOT_FOUND": "Provided email not found.", "LOGIN_USERNAME": "Username is required.", "LOGIN_PASSWORD": "Password is required.", "REMEMBER_ME": "Remember me", "USERNAME_BLOCKED": "Your account got locked because of multiple failed sign on attempts. please contact our support team.", "VERIFICATION": { "CONTACT_TYPE": "Contact Type", "CHANNEL": "Channel", "EMAIL": "Email", "CELL_PHONE": "Cell Phone", "WORK_PHONE": "Work Phone", "TEXT_MESSAGE": "Text Message", "VOICE_MESSAGE": "Voice Message" }, "FORGOT_PASSWORD": { "TITLE": "FORGOT PASSWORD", "TITLE2": "RESET PASSWORD", "CANCEL":"Cancel", "REFRESH_MSG":" (Don't refresh this page) ", "OTVC_SENT": "A one time verification code is sent to your preferred contact type through your preferred channel.", "NO_USER_FOUND": "There is no user with that combination username, first name, last name and Phone number. Please recheck and enter the fields again." }, "RESET_PASSWORD": { "HEADING": "CHANGE PASSWORD", "LABEL_OLD_PASSWORD": "Old Password", "LABEL_NEW_PASSWORD": "New Password", "LABEL_CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD": "Confirm New Password", "LABEL_RESET": "Change Password", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_SUCCESS": "Password has been changed successfully.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_INVALID": "Incorrect Old Password entered.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_ERROR": "An error occured while changing your password.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_REPEAT_ERROR": "Provided new password contains ascending or descending sequencing beyond two consecutive characters.", "LABEL_CHANGE_PASSWORD_PREVIOUS_PASSWORD_ERROR": "Provided new password has been already used in the last seven iterations.", "PASSWORD_TOO_MANY_IDENTICAL_CHARACTER_REPEAT": "There are too many identical characters repeated in the provided password.", "PASSWORD_POLICY": "The Password did not satisfy the security policy.", "PASSWORD_PATTERN_POLICY": "Password should be at least eight characters with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character($@#!*&)." }, "FORGOT_USERNAME": { "TITLE": "FORGOT USERNAME", "ANY_PHONE_NUMBER": "Mobile Phone", "ANY_PHONE_REQUIRED": "Mobile number is a required field", "CHANNEL_MSG": "Please select how you would like to receive your username.", "NO_USER_FOUND": "There is no user with that combination email, first name, last name and Phone number. Please recheck and enter the fields again.", "USERNAME_SENT": "Your Username is sent to your preferred contact type through your preferred channel." }, "EDIT_USER": { "HEADING": "EDIT ACCOUNT", "LABEL_YES": "Yes", "LABEL_NO": "No", "LABEL_ADVISOR_QUESTION": "Are you an Advisor?", "LABEL_FIRSTNAME": "First Name", "LABEL_LASTNAME": "Last Name", "LABEL_CITY": "City", "LABEL_PROVINCE": "Province", "LABEL_EMAIL": "Email", "LABEL_EMAIL_NOTE": "we will use your email address as the main method to communicate with you about your CIBCNotes.com registration and identify you for the purposes of administrating your CIBCNotes.com profile.", "LABEL_DEALER": "Dealer", "LABEL_USERNAME": "Username", "LABEL_REQUIRED_FIELDS": "* Required fields", "LABEL_UPDATE_BUTTON": "UPDATE", "LABEL_ERROR_FIRSTNAME": "First Name is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_LASTNAME": "Last Name is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_CITY": "City is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_PROVINCE": "Province is a required field.", "LABEL_ERROR_EMAIL": "Email is a required field.", "LABEL_INVALID_EMAIL": "Invaild Email Address.", "LABEL_ERROR_DEALER": "Dealer is a required field. (ex. CIBC Wood Gundy)", "LABEL_EMAIL_EXIST_ERROR": "This email has already been registered. Please try again with a different email.", "LABEL_EDIT_USER_SUCCESS": "User details has been updated successfully.", "LABEL_EDIT_USER_ERROR": "An error occured while updating user details.", "LABEL_ERROR_USERNAME_PATTERN": "User name should accept only characters,numbers,space and special chars(@_-.)", "LABEL_ERROR_FIRSTNAME_PATTERN": "First name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.)", "LABEL_ERROR_LASTNAME_PATTERN": "Last name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.)", "LABEL_EDIT_USER_UNAVAIL_ERROR": "An error occured while updating user details. Please try again later.", "PHONE": "Mobile Number", "WORK_PHONE": "Work Phone ", "OTHER_PHONE": "Other Phone ", "PHONE_REQUIRED": "Mobile Number is a required field.", "PHONE_PATTERN": "Format should be (111) 111-1111.", "CONTACT_TYPE": "Contact Type", "CHANNEL": "Channel", "VERIFICATION_MSG": "For security we will send you a one time verification code. Please select how you would like to receive this code", "SEND_OTVC_BUTTON": "Send Verification Code", "NO_CONTACT_INFO_FOR_THE_CONTACT_TYPE": "No Contact information available for the contact type that you have selected. Please select some other available contact type.", "INVALID_CONTACT": "Your contact information available for the selected contact type is invalid. Please select some other available contact type.", "VERIFICATION_EXPIRED": "Verification code has expired. Please regenerate it and try again.", "VERIFICATION_NOT_FOUND": "Verification code is not found for this operation.", "VERIFICATION_FAILED_ATTEMPT": "Due to multiple failed attempts verification information is locked for this user. Please recheck the verification code or contact support.", "VERIFICATION_SECRET_NOT_MATCH": "Verification secret code you entered does not match. Please recheck and enter the code again.", "VERIFICATION_FAILED": "Verification attempt failed due to username mismatch. Please recheck the verification code or contact support.", "UPDATE_OTVC": "Update Profile OTVC", "OTVC_SENT": "A one time verification code is sent to your preferred contact type through your preferred channel." }, "VERIFY_REGISTRATION": { "HEADING_THANKYOU": "Thank you for registering.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_CODE": "Verification Code", "USERNAME": "Username", "RESEND_CODE": "Resend Verification Code", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_SUCCESS": "User Verification has been completed successfully! You can Sign On using your username / password at any time.", "LABEL_EDIT_VERIFICATION_SUCCESS": "Your email has been updated successfully.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_ERROR": "Username and / or Password are invalid. Please try again.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_ERROR_REQUIRED": "Verification Code is required.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED": "* Required fields", "LABEL_VERIFY_BUTTON": "Verify", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_CODE_ERROR": "Incorrect verification code entered.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_CODE500_ERROR": "Verification code not found for user.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_CODE404_ERROR": "An error occurred during the registration process. Please contact our support team for more information.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_CODE404_UPDATE_ERROR": "An error occured while updating your account details. Please try again later.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_GEN_ERROR": "Error while verifying your user account.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_COMPLETE": "Please complete your registration using the verification code that you have received from your registered mobile we've sent you.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_CODE_INVALID": "Verification Code should have only numbers.", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_CODE_MINLENGTH": "Verification Code is a 8 digit number.", "LABEL_OK": "OK", "LABEL_VERIFICATION_UPDATE": "Please complete your account update using the verification code that you have received from the email we've sent you.", "LABEL_RESEND_BUTTON": "Resend", "LABEL_VERIFY_LOCK": "Verification Code Locked. Please request new verification code by clicking Resend option.", "LABEL_VERIFY_VERIFIED": "Your user account has already been verified. Please login with your username/password.", "LABEL_VERIFY_USER_REMOVED": "Your user account has been removed. Please create new user account.", "LABEL_TECH_SUPPORT": "Contact Technical Support", "VERIFY_MSG_1": "A", "VERIFY_MSG_2": "message with verificaition code was just sent to", "VERIFY_MSG_IF_REFRESHED": "Please complete your registration using the one time verification code we sent.", "VERIFICATION_CODE_SENT_AGAIN": "Verification Code has been sent again", "USER_STATUS_REJECT":"The admin has rejected your registration request.", "USER_STATUS":"The admin hasn't processed your registration request yet.", "USER_NOT_FOUND": "User Not Found" }, "USER_MESSAGE": { "GENERAL": "Something went wrong. Please contact our support team for more information.", "GENERAL_WITH_401": "Something went wrong. Please contact our support team for more information - Unauthorized", "USER_DETAILS_ERROR": "Unable to fetch your user details due a server error. Please contact our support team for more information.", "NO_DATA": "No Data Available", "NOVIDEO": "No Videos Available", "NODOCS": "No Documents Available", "DOWNLOAD_SUCCESS":"File download initiated successfully", "SHOW_DETAILS": " Show Details", "SESSION_EXPIRED": "Your session has expired. Please log in again.", "REDIRECT_HOME": "Redirect to Home Page", "CHART_ERROR": "An error occured while getting history performance of this product.", "ERROR_REGISTERING": "Error while registering the user. Please contact our support team for more information.", "ISSUE_DATE": "From date should be less than To date for Issue Range.", "MATURITY_DATE": "From date should be less than To date for Maturity Range.", "COMPARE_NOTES": "Please select min 2 or max 3 notes to check comparison", "COMMENTS_ADDED": "Comments saved successfully", "INVALID_NOTE": "Invalid note provided.", "LOCKED_FOR_VERIFICATION": "Verification Info is locked for your account. Please contact our support team for more information.", "OTVC_LIMIT":"Unverified OTVC count reached limit. Please contact our support team for more information.", "REFGISTRATION_INCOMPLETE": "Your user registration is incomplete. Please contact our support team for more information.", "PATH_NOT_FOUND": "No Data Available", "COPY_URL":"Document URL Copied", "SUBSCRIPTION_MSG":"Email Subscription Updated Successfully" }, "PASSWORD_POLICY":{ "HEADING":"Password Policy:", "MSG_1":"Passwords must be a minimum of eight characters in length", "MSG_2":"One upper case letter", "MSG_3":"One lower case letter", "MSG_4":"One number", "MSG_5":"One special character from the following $@#!*&", "MSG_6":"Passwords must not contain three or more identical characters that appear consecutively, (e.g., AAA777)", "MSG_7":"Passwords must not contain ascending or descending sequencing beyond two consecutive characters, (e.g., 123abc)", "MSG_8":"Can't use passwords that have been used in last seven iterations", "SHOW_PASSWORD":"Show password", "HIDE_PASSWORD":"Hide password" }, "META": { "HOME": "Our leading strategists provide topical research across rates, foreign exchange, government & corporate credit and commodities. With deep expertise in macroeconomics, credit analysis, portfolio management, and quantitative techniques, we deliver a combination of deep fundamental analysis with advanced quantitative solutions." }, "PAGE_TITLE": { "RATES": "RATES", "RATES_ARCHIVE": "RATES ARCHIVE", "GOV_CREDIT": "GOVERNMENT CREDIT", "GOV_CREDIT_ARCHIVE": "GOVERNMENT CREDIT ARCHIVE", "CORP_CREDIT": "CORPORATE CREDIT", "CORP_CREDIT_ARCHIVE": "CORPORATE CREDIT ARCHIVE", "G10_FX": "G10-FX", "G10_FX_ARCHIVE": "G10-FX ARCHIVE", "ASIA_PAC_FX": "ASIA-PACIFIC FX", "ASIA_PAC_ARCHIVE": "ASIA-PACIFIC FX ARCHIVE", "LATAM": "EM LATAM FX", "LATAM_ARCHIVE": "EM LATAM FX ARCHIVE", "QUANTITATIVE_STRATEGY": "QUANTITATIVE STRATEGY", "QUANTITATIVE_STRATEGY_ARCHIVE": "QUANTITATIVE STRATEGY ARCHIVE", "SSA": "SSA", "SSA_ARCHIVE": "SSA ARCHIVE", "MEDIA":"MEDIA", "MEDIA_ARCHIVE":"MEDIA ARCHIVE" }, "INTERNAL_USER": { "MODAL_HEADING": "Information", "MODAL_BODY": "Single sign-on (SSO) is enabled for CIBC users who have registered with their official CIBC email address. If you would like to use SSO, please change your e-mail to your official CIBC e-mail in the edit account page once you have signed on.", "MODAL_BUTTON": "Close", "EXTERNAL_USER_MSG": "You should have a valid mobile number in order to receive a verification code when changing your account information or password. Please add your mobile number in edit account page." }, "SESSION_EXPIRED": { "TITLE": "Session Expired", "MSG": "Your session has expired. Please logout and sign on again.", "LOGOUT": "Logout", "INT_MSG": "Your session has expired. Click refresh to relogin.", "REFRESH": "Refresh" }, "ACCOUNT_LOCKED": { "TITLE": "Information", "MSG": "Your account has been locked. Please contact the support team for further information." }, "CONFERENCES":{ "SUB_TITLE":"Big thoughts on a micro cut", "AUDIO":"Audio", "AUDIO_TIME":"Running time: 29 minutes, 35 seconds.", "AUDIO_LINK":"https://curveyourenthusiasm.simplecast.com/episodes/big-thoughts-on-a-micro-cut", "MAIN_LINK":"https://curveyourenthusiasm.simplecast.com/episodes/big-thoughts-on-a-micro-cut", "SHARE_TO":"Now available on:", "SOPTIFY":"https://podcasters.spotify.com/", "APPLE_POTCAST":"https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/curve-your-enthusiasm/id1523657008", "GOOGLE_POTCAST":"https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS8wc1R5U2J6aA==", "CONTRIBUTORS":"Episode contributors", "STATIC_DATE": "Wednesday, January 13, 2021" }, "SUPPORT":{ "EMAIL" : "support-ficcstrategy@cibc.com" }, "MEETING":{ "HEADING":"Meeting Request", "SALES_REP":"Sales Representative List", "PLEASE_SELECT_SALES_REP":"Please select Sales Representative", "ISSUER_LIST":"Issuer List", "DATE_OF_MEETING":"Week of Request", "SESSION":"Meeting session", "MORNING":"Morning", "AFTERNOON":"Afternoon", "MEETING_BTN":"Meeting Request", "ISSUER_REQUIRED": "Issuer is a required field.", "SALES_REP_REQUIRED": "Sales Representative is a required field.", "DATE_REQUIRED": "Meeting Date is a required field.", "SESSION_REQUIRED": "Session is a required field.", "LINK":"Meeting Request", "ADD_EMAIL":"Add Attendee", "EMAIL_BTN_INFO":"Add Sales Representative", "ACTION":"Action", "WEEK_RANGE":"Week Range:", "FIRST_NAME": "First Name", "LAST_NAME": "Last Name", "EMAIL": "Email", "REGISTRATION_FIRSTNAME": "First name *", "REGISTRATION_FIRSTNAME_REQUIRED": "First name is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_FIRSTNAME_PATTERN": "First name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "REGISTRATION_LASTNAME": "Last name *", "REGISTRATION_LASTNAME_REQUIRED": "Last name is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_LASTNAME_PATTERN": "Last name should accept only characters,space and special chars(@_-.).", "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_REQUIRED": "Email is a required field.", "REGISTRATION_EMAIL_PATTERN": "Email must be a valid email address.", "TITLE_REQUIRED":"Title is a required field.", "FIRM_REQUIRED":"Firm is a required field.", "REMOVE_TOOLTIP":"Remove", "TITLE":"Title", "FIRM":"Firm" }, "EMAIL":{ "SUBSCRIBED":"Subscribed", "UNSUBSCRIBED":"UnSubscribed", "SUB_MSG":"Click here to Unsubscribe", "UNSUB_MSG":"Click here to Subscribe", "HEADING":"Email Subscription", "SELECT_ALL":"Select all", "DESELECT":"Deselect for Unsubscribe", "UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION":"Update Subscription" }, "EPISODE_CONTRIBUTE": [ { "name": "Ian Pollick", "position": "Global Head", "project": "FICC Strategy", "team": "CIBC Capital Markets" }, { "name": "Royce Mendes", "position": "Executive Director and", "project": "Senior Economist", "team": "CIBC Capital Markets" } ], "REGISTER_VERIFY_MSG": [ { "support": "" }, { "para": "" } ], "REGISTER_VERIFY_MSG_LIST": [ { "support_part1": "If you haven't received verification code, please reach out to", "support_part2":"immediately." }, { "para": "" } ], "FORGOT_PASS_MSG": [ { "support_part1": "", "support_part2":"" }, { "para": "Please note that the mobile based one-time verification will work only for Canada/USA. For other countries, please choose EMAIL as contact type to receive verification code." } ], "FORGOT_USERNAME_MSG": [ { "support_part1": "", "support_part2":"" }, { "para": "Please note that the mobile based one-time verification will work only for Canada/USA. For other countries, please choose EMAIL as contact type to receive verification code." } ], "FORGOT_PASSWORD_PAGE2": [ { "support_part1": "If you haven't received verification code, Please reach out our support mailbox", "support_part2":"immediately." }, { "para": "" } ], "CHANGE_PASS_MSG_LIST": [ { "para": "" } ], "CHANGE_PASS_PAGE2": [ { "support_part1": "If you have no access to this contact type or it looks wrong, Please reach out our support mailbox", "support_part2":"immediately." }, { "para": "" } ], "MY_PROFILE_MSG": [ { "support_part1":"", "support_part2":"" }, { "para": "" } ], "EDIT_PROFILE_MSG": [ { "support_part1": "If you haven't received verification code, please reach out to", "support_part2":"immediately." }, { "para": "" } ] }